
Appelse is your exciting journey into the world of mobile apps and technological wizardry, and we've got a few gadgets and apps up our sleeve... along with a couple of jokes!
Alex Volnov
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What is our mission?

đŸ“± App Reviews: We try them all—from pizza delivery apps to apps for surviving a zombie apocalypse. If it has a “Download” button, we’re giving it a spin!

Our mission at appelse.com is to be the go-to destination for all things mobile apps and tech.

Alex Volnov


Editorial Team

Our team? Think of us as the Avengers of Apps, the Justice League of Journalism, and the X-Men of Xtreme Tech, all rolled into one—united by a passion for all things digital, and a knack for making tech talk sound cool!

Alex Volnov

Alex Volnov

Chief Editor & Tech Correspondent


Nina Chang

App Editor


Sarah Rodriguez

Social Media Specialist


Mark Thompson

Tech Writer


Chris Mitchell

Content Editor

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